Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We're nearly at the very end of November and it's getting rather hot in BrisVegas. The kind of hot that makes the sky a hazy blue and leaves the steering wheel too hot to touch. Hmm, air-con at home would be nice. It hasn't yet reached December, but I have this overwhelming sense of Christmas rapidly approaching and too many things to achieve before it happens. I start recalling all my "Christmas resolutions" from last year... the "next year I'm going to start everything earlier, get my Christmas letter written before Christmas", etc list. I bought our first Christmas present yesterday, so hopefully that means I'm now "on a roll" and I'll find more perfect presents without having to face the shopping centre crowds. I really do love finding presents for other people, so I don't want to lose my "joy of Christmas" feeling.

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