Wednesday, November 22, 2006

How Far We've Come

Inspired by Loobylu, I started thinking about the evolution of the Loves and how things have changed in my life over the past ten years.

10 years ago... I was finishing my first year of full-time uni at University of Queensland, studying business and arts(psychology). I was nannying for my sister's children, who were then 1 and 4 years old. I was desperately in love with a boy I thought I'd be with forever (of course), although a very cute boy at a Marketing lecture who was offering gummy bears also caught my attention that year. My beloved Grandma had died just before my 18th birthday and I don't think I'd ever cried so much in my whole life. I was living at home, in the home I had lived in all my life to that point.

8 years ago... I was living in London and working as a temp for Egon Zhender International. I loved that job. I didn't know anyone in London, but managed to find a few friends between work and flatmates, some of whom have ended up being lifelong friends. I had lived in three houses in the space of six months, and was desperately awaiting the arrival of three of my bestest friends to travel around Europe with over Christmas. I fell in love with an English boy who was living with his girlfriend, who finally kissed me on the night before I was leaving the country (always the way). Wonder where he is these days. I grew up a lot that year.

6 years ago... I had moved back home to save some money after living with Lisa in our very funky townhouse so far away on the 'south side'. I was single and kept meeting completely inappropriate boys. I was 'just friends' with a boy called Ben (aka. gummy bear boy from uni, not that he had any recollection of meeting me all those years prior) after sending him flowers at work. The flowers were well received, but he so wasn't interested in me. Oh well.

4 years ago... Ben and I had been together for about 18 months and he was just about to ask my Dad if he could marry me. Thankfully, Dad said yes. I was living with our friend Rohan at Bonney Ave.

3 years ago... We had been married for six months and had been living and working on Hayman Island for the same amount of time. At this point, we weren't seeing too much of each other, as I had somehow managed to swing a job on the Events team and traded in lifestyle for high stress organising conferences and weddings. On the upside, we were living in one of the most beautiful places on earth and had met some wonderful people.

1 year ago... We had been back in Brisbane for four months after travelling around the world for three months. I was temping for a telecommunications/data company, while Ben was ramping up the business we started. We had just moved into our own place after living with Mum and Dad, and it was nice to settle again and unpack all the things that had been in storage since we were married. It was the first 'proper' place we had lived in since we got married. We bought the little Daewoo off Penny. There were some pretty high stress moments at times, while I was working full time (covering the jobs of two people while they were on leave) and Ben was trying to establish the business.

Ten months ago... I remember thinking how long 'twelve months' seemed away. Turns out, it wasn't that far. I started working from home officially and didn't have too much to do, in comparison to all my previous jobs. I spoke too soon.

Six months ago... I started doing some design work for Highlife magazine. A new 'art director' started at the magazine after Amy went travelling. I turned 28. Ben turned 30 with an Indian feast at Rosalie. We joined the gym.

Two months ago... The new art director at Highlife decided not to continue after one edition, so I somehow inherited the job. My two new nephews were born. I had my wisdom teeth out (eek), then Ben and I both spent the weekend sick and on the couch (that wasn't how it was supposed to work).

Two weeks ago... I was madly trying to finish the Summer edition of Highlife, amidst trying to balance the other elements of my life (not well, mind you). I was going to the theatre with Karen and talking over citrus tart at a cafe for hours. Ben and I were spending Saturday at the races with good friends in the pouring rain.

Yesterday... I had finished the Summer edition and finally felt relaxed and balanced. We had our new team member start work for Grassroots IT. I spent all day doing the accounts for our business, welcomed my husband home enthusiastically when he walked through the door, finished work on time, cooked dinner and watched TV. I hadn't had a night like that for a while. Balance is good.

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